Top 10 Picasso Famous Paintings

Top 10 Picasso Famous Paintings

As one of the most important artists of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso contributed greatly to the development of modern art. Picasso, the pioneer of the Cubism art movement, is known for his revolutionary styles and bold techniques in the art world. The artist, who produced works in many different periods and with different techniques … Read more

What is Minimalist Abstraction?

What is Minimalist Abstraction Characteristics, Shapes and Forms

Foundations and History of Minimalist Abstraction Minimalist abstraction is an art movement that developed in the mid-20th century, especially in the 1960s. This movement stands out as a simplified form of abstract art. Focusing on the most basic elements such as color, form and texture, minimalist artists aimed to provide a visual experience rather than … Read more

Abstract Expressionism and Color Field Painting: A Revolution in Art History

Abstract Expressionism and Color Field Painting A Revolution in Art History

What is Abstract Expressionism and Color Field Painting? Abstract Expressionism is known as a revolutionary movement in 20th century art. This art movement, which emerged in the United States in the late 1940s, was shaped by artists’ efforts to explore individual freedom and emotional intensity after the traumatic effects of the Second World War. The … Read more

Characteristics and Examples of Expressionist Abstraction

Characteristics and Examples of Expressionist Abstraction

Expressionist abstraction is an art movement that emerged in the mid-20th century in which the artist freely expresses feelings, thoughts or a mood. In this movement, artists often create non-figurative compositions and often emphasize color, line and texture. Expressionist abstraction developed as part of abstract expressionism, especially after the Second World War. In such works, … Read more

Use of Geometric Forms in Abstract Art

Abstract art is a type of art that becomes independent from objective reality, where artists express their feelings and thoughts in various forms. In this understanding of art, geometric forms draw attention as an important part of the abstraction process. The use of geometric forms allows artists to express their emotions through simplicity, symmetry and … Read more

What Are Mediums in Art? All You Need to Know

What Are Mediums in Art All You Need to Know

Among the many things to decipher when viewing a work of art is what it’s actually made from. To help you do this, we’re going to go over one of the important concepts in art—the medium. Although it is a foundational concept in art, the term medium can actually mean quite a few different things … Read more